Morocco Mole is a fictional character from the animated television series “The Secret Squirrel Show”. The show was a segment of the animated series “The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show”, which first aired in 1965. Morocco Mole was Secret Squirrel’s sidekick and assistant, and was known for his characteristic long nose, floppy hat, and trenchcoat. He was often portrayed as being bumbling and dim-witted, but was always eager to help Secret Squirrel on his missions.
Morocco Mole was voiced by Mel Blanc, who was one of the most famous voice actors of his time. He was best known for his work as the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and other iconic Looney Tunes characters.
“The Secret Squirrel Show” was a parody of the spy genre, and followed the adventures of Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole as they solved various cases and thwart the plans of villains. The show was well received by audiences and was a staple of children’s television for many years.
Morocco Mole was a fictional character from the animated television series “The Secret Squirrel Show”. He was Secret Squirrel’s sidekick and assistant, and was known for his bumbling and dim-witted personality. Morocco Mole was voiced by the legendary voice actor Mel Blanc, and was a popular character among audiences of the show.